Christianity’s Own War on Christmas

To quote Valerie Tarico, “we humans are incorrigible scavengers and endlessly innovative, taking whatever bits of culture and tradition we have inherited and weaving them together into a fabric of our own making”


Christian War on Christmas2Guess who has been calling Christmas a pagan holiday for the last 500 years? Christians.  

If it feels like the “War on Christmas” is getting really old, it is. Over ten years have passed since Bill O’Reilly first opened December with a segment called, “Christmas Under Siege”—ten long years in which his cadences and refrains and echoing chorus have become as familiar to most Americans as Handel’s Messiah. More familiar, in fact.

Not that O’Reilly invented the idea. During the 1920’s, Henry Ford’s newspaper published a series of anti-Semitic articles titled, “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.” Among the complaints:

“Last Christmas most people had a hard time finding Christmas cards that indicated in any way that Christmas commemorated Someone’s Birth. . . . People sometimes ask why 3,000,000 Jews can control the affairs of 100,000,000 Americans. In the same way that…

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Foyle morning I


I’m over in Ireland for a few days visiting family. This is the view this morning as I drove along the County Donegal side of Lough Foyle. There had been a heavy burst of rain and the clouds were clearing to the east, allowing the morning sunshine to break through. The hill in the distance is Binevenagh.