Horseshoe goddess

Horseshoe goddess

This figurine of a goddess can be found in the clock tower in Cabriès. The horseshoe looks small enough to be from a donkey. Come to that, the goddess looks pissed-off, almost as if she’s been raped by a deity.

Another reminder of last summer in France.

More fungi

This post was shared on Tumblr and has since gained over 30,000 notes. That makes it my most popular photo ever published, and it was an afterthought that I posted it in the first place.

Someone on Tumblr has identified the fungus as Honey Fungus (Amillaria spp.). Apparently they are edible, but I’m not going to try.

Patrick Mackie

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Old St Enoch subway station

Old St Enoch subway station

This is another night-time picture from my last trip to Glasgow, letting the camera do its own thing, with reasonable results.

The building stands in isolation in St Enoch Square, just north of the River Clyde in Glasgow’s city centre. Originally built in 1896, this was the ticket office to the subway (Glasgow’s own underground railway) and the headquarters of the Glasgow District Subway Railway Company. When the St Enoch subway station was redeveloped in the 1970s the building became redundant and is now a Caffè Nero coffee shop.

The building is a visual delight and is, of course, listed. The listing details can be found on the Historic Scotland Listed Buildings register.

A companionable cat

companionable_cat_1200c This chair, next to my desk, is where Nish always used to curl up when I was working (or loafing). It’s nice to have a cat’s company, and it was really pleasing when Tinkerbell assumed the position last night. She was only startled when the printer started chuntering, and it really grabbed her attention! wassat_1200c