Land and sea

This is the view back up the Keils peninsula with the Sound of Jura on the left. The islands of Jura and Scarba are visible. There was once a ferry to Jura from this peninsula.

This is the view from the southern tip of the peninsula, with only a few skerries between here and Ireland about 75 miles away.

We’ve had a stunning weekend in Argyll, and this was from a walk out yesterday evening after supper. We’re getting to that point in the year where long evenings make evening expeditions worthwhile.

Horseshoe goddess

Horseshoe goddess

This figurine of a goddess can be found in the clock tower in Cabriès. The horseshoe looks small enough to be from a donkey. Come to that, the goddess looks pissed-off, almost as if she’s been raped by a deity.

Another reminder of last summer in France.